our pastor


Pastor W.L. Pillow Jr.

My journey started with Godly parents, Walter and Mary Pillow, that drug me to church every Sunday at Bethel PH in Gladys. I am very appreciative of being raised in a Godly home and that my parents committed to making me go. Also, I had a wonderful sister Tina Pillow Dowdy who went to be with the Lord my senior year of high school. It was then my life took a turn away from God. I blamed God for taking my sister way to soon in my eyes. After many years of running and wearing myself down I surrendered my life to Christ in July 2013. I met a wonderful woman, Cori Jo Pillow, that God used to lead me to Glory Baptist Church in Appomattox, under the Pastoring of Chris Brooks. Pastor Brooks took me in and helped me to answer my call of being a Pastor. I served as Youth Pastor at Glory Baptist Church for 2 years and completed the Wilmington School of the Bible through Liberty University. I pastored Transformation Baptist Church, also in Altavista, for almost three years before the church merged with Altavista Baptist Tabernacle in December of 2021. My wife, Cori and I, have five children: Will (10), Madilyn (7), Caroline (5), Trace (4), and Lincoln (2). I am here only because of the mercy and grace of my Lord and Savior Jesus. My testimony is glory to His name, not mine. I have witnessed God move in my life in ways I don’t deserve, and I know he can do it for you. I am honored to serve the Lord’s church here at Altavista Baptist Tabernacle.

Call or text WL 434-610-2557.

Call or text Cori 434-238-8888.


Pastor W L Pillow Jr and his Wife Cori Jo